Scientific research medical center “Gerontology” ( in cooperation with the National Academy of sciences of Republic of Belarus, National Academy of sciences of Azerbaijan and Eurasian association of gerontology, geriatrics and anti-age medicine presents the bio-regulating nutriceutical product Nika MEMOTON
Cellular chronoblocker (CCB) Nika MEMOTON is a substance with scientific evidence and clinical proof of effectiveness in preventing an premature ageing, that is possessing a preventive activity on ageing processes. The highest effectiveness of CCB is achieved with the patients of over 35.
It has been proved that CCB can influence the processes of molecular immobilization, including age-related lower synthesis of neurotransmitters and production of nitric oxide by endothelium (which leads to ischemic changes in the brain and other organs, resulting in cognitive disfunctions etc), as well as age-related activation of pathologies , such as higher levels of oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory processes leading to body ageing.
For spa/wellness practices CCB can be applied in cosmetology, anti-age and preventive medicine.